My Dermatologist

Trusted Skin Care


J Moore

nēvus® is a mobile app dedicated to the care and protection of your body's largest organ -- your skin! This is professional skin care in your pocket. Nevus is the technical term for moles. Now you can care for most of the spots, bumps and lumps that concern you. Learn which ones appear normal and which ones should be seen by a dermatologist.

With nēvus®, sunburns can be avoided. Use the Sun Alarm with the GPS-located UV index to remind you when and how often to apply sunscreen. The Sunscreen Visualizer explains how much sunscreen to apply by body area. 

The Skin Record feature lets you take sequential photographs and independently gather data on any skin spots and lesions that may appear. Moles or nevi anywhere on your body can be documented. Changing or worrisome spots should then be evaluated by a board-certified dermatologist. Bring your mobile device with the nēvus® Skin Record to show how the area is changing.

nēvus also supplies you with tips, tricks and product recommendations from a board-certified dermatologist. From simple care of your nails to cosmetic information on the newest procedures for aging, regular updates will bring the information directly to your nēvus® app. 

nēvus® encourages proactive skin care. Don't let skin problems get you down! nēvus is your number one ally on the road to healthy skin.

Tan Free Teens in Minnesota

J Moore

It’s official.  Tan-Free Teens was signed into law by Governor Dayton as part of a large package of health-related laws.

And it is all thanks to you.

Effective immediately:

  • No one under the age of 18 may use a commercial indoor tanning facility in Minnesota.
  • All tanning facilities must prominently display a sign to that effect.
  • Tanning facility owners/operators who violate the law are subject to a misdemeanor penalty as determined by a judge.

Hundreds of advocates - including survivors, physicians, nurses, parents, and teachers – visited lawmakers, spoke to the media, wrote letters, sent e-mails, made phone calls and otherwise told their stories. We could NOT have done this without you.

Next step – celebration! Watch for an invitation to a celebration event in June.

In the meantime, enjoy this victory in the fight against cancer.


5565 Blaine Avenue East, Suite 200 Inver Grove Heights, MN, 55076